Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the Junior Fellow Lecture Series committee I would like to invite you to the second instalment of the our series. Please join us at 7:45pm on Thursday October 18 in the Colin Friesen Room for three lectures and discussion on the topic of faith. Our speakers this week will be:
Mary Scourboutakos (Nutritional Science) on ‘Nutrition in a Nutshell’
Khilola Zakhidova (Public Policy) on ‘Can newcomers still have faith in Canada’s immigrant-integration policies, or are storm clouds gathering on the horizon?’
Erene Stergiopoulos (History and Philosophy of Sciences) on ‘Public faith in science: How brain rhetoric got us to buy a drink called “Neurogasm”‘
The discussion will be moderated by the Very Reverend James Merrett.